TL James, born and raised in Houston, Texas, studied English at the University of Houston and Texas Southern University and graduated with an MBA from LeTourneau University. There is where she cultivated an interest in biblical studies which is woven throughout the trilogy. As she developed the storyline for this labor of love, she worked tirelessly with her son constantly tucked around her waist. She often found her inspiration in the sound of her son's small steady breaths while he slept. After eight months of sleepless nights, The MPire trilogy was completed.
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Tell us a little bit about you outside of being an author.
I'm a native Houstonian and reside in Houston with my son. I possess a MBA and currently work as Commercial Analyst at for an energy company.
What is your earliest writing memory?
My earliest memories of writing were in Middle School. I remember keeping a journal and writing in it every day about stories about my family and the combating the peer pressures in school.
What feelings do you experience once you are satisfied with your completed manuscript(s)?
Euphoric. It was better than childbirth… NO STRETCH MARKS AND NO HOSPITAL BILL! LOL!
In your upcoming release or newly released book, how did you come up with the idea of your main character(s)?
When Mallory was created, I was describing the perfect man for me. I wanted him to be smart, captivating, well-versed, well-rounded in art, science, sports and intellect. I wanted him to speak several different languages, dance, sing, and travel. Once I created the description of this perfect man, I sat back and discovered that he and I would never work. Our worlds would never collide for us to meet. So, instead of trashing the description, I created the “Perfect World” for us, thus he became the main character in my trilogy.
Tell us a little bit about your work in progress and/or your upcoming release.
My work started out as a trilogy. But as time and questions progressed, I created the MPire Chronicles.
I’m a big believer that word of mouth creates more sales than advertisements. Let’s say I’ve never read any of your books before, how would you pitch the idea of your latest release to me?
In Search of the Lost is an enchanted journey into the erotic and sensual picture perfect world of a rich and handsome “Texas Englishman”, Mallory Towneson Haulm. His world collides with reality when he is summoned to return to the family that cast him away when he was seven. The journey takes you family drama, corporate greed and scandals and epics wars older that Revelations.
I consider myself a tough critic when reviewing books. What do or would you do when you receive a mediocre or less than average rating from a reviewer or reader?
I don’t know how I would react getting a mediocre rating. My ratings have been from one extreme to the other. I got a zero for a Christian Fiction Reviewer who picked up the book and detailed every reason why I need to go to the nearest church and pray (but she is waiting for next book.) That was fascinating. I have received many high ratings from book clubs and reviewers who often don’t give out high ratings. That was awesome. But to get a mediocre rating… I don’t know. I will have to research the reviewers to see how they rate stories. Make sure that it was the storyline that they rated, because if it is a style issue or errors in the book, that is important to know. Thinking back, I did get one low rating because of errors in the first publication and the fact that the reviewer didn’t realize that it was a Trilogy.
What authors influence your writing dreams, goals and aspirations?
I grew up reading the classics, Chaucer, Shakespeare and Mythology. They way they describe scenes and sights and character through dialogue fascinated me. I remembered one time in school that I wanted to be Zora Neale Hurston. I don’t know if it was because if her writing style or her controversial political and social stance. Either way, she was powerful. It didn’t hit me that I could be a writer unless I “FOUND” E. Lynn Harris’s novels. He is a wonderful story teller, however it was him biography that captured my attention. The fact that he was working full-time and writing gave me the fuel to have writing a goal for me.
What books would you recommend on writing?
So many books, so little time! LOL! It depends on what you want to accomplish. I would definitely pick books outside your genre to expand your wealth of knowledge in regarding to writing styles. I would recommend the classics, just because I LOVE the classics. I would also pick a book from a genre that you don’t like. Pinpoint in detail “Why” you don’t like the genre. Is it emotional factor or writing style issue? All of these exercises will broaden your horizons.
If you could change one thing you did during your road to publication, what would it be and what would you have done different?
I would have had more self-confidence about my work. I think I would have made different choices.
What advice would you give an aspiring author?
First, write out what your goal is in the publishing industry. Research! Ask lots of questions! And if it sounds too good to be true, STOP! Keep your integrity in tact, even if there are others who have let their integrity and/or honesty slip by the wayside. Know what your breaking points are and remember publishing is a business. You can make beautiful connections, awesome friends but be sure that you take care of business FIRST!
Where can readers learn more about you and your books?
Readers can go on my website,, and check out events, reviewers, excerpts and book trailers. They can purchase an autographed book from my website and receive a free gift. I’m also on Amazon and in Borders, Barnes and Nobles. If it’s not in a bookstore near you, ORDER IT!
TL great interview.